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OVERtown: The Brothahood, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Canvas, 48 x 60in.


This year for Art Basel Miami 2019, I revealed this painting for the first time at CIC Miami with our community art initiative event ‘Outside the Lines.’ Working alongside my insanely talented lil brotha and mentee Tadam at the Overtown Youth Center, this beautiful moment was captured. This was the first time in a while, where I saw little black boys smiling and enjoying life despite their circumstances. True #blackboyjoy. While painting these young Kings, it reminded me to stay joyous, playful and full of life no matter what. Thank you little brothas for teaching that.

The Listener, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Canvas, 36 x 48 in.

‘The Listener’ (SOLD)

The skill of listening to my inner voice has cascaded my life to where it is today. Trusting that voice and truly listening has enabled me to believe in my intentions and believe in my visual expression. Only you know what you should do next. Allow yourself to follow the path you are destined for. All you have to do is Listen.

a LIVE, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Canvas, 48 x 60 in.

‘a LIVE’

‘a Live’ is a representation of Trayvon Martin in his adult years wearing a white hoodie signifying Life. Sometimes I sit and think about what if Trayvon was still alive and how he could’ve impacted his community and the world. All of the unfortunate events that have happened throughout our history has led me to create art and a platform of positivity, peace and prosperity. I vowed to ONLY create work that impacts communities and neighborhoods of all people and beliefs, raise awareness for justice and peace, inspire people who desire freedom, empower my peers and lead a faith filled life. We must treat all people with respect, love and empathy. We need to leave this place better than we found it. Be the change we want to see. The time is now

Galatians 3:28, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Canvas, 24 x 36in.

‘Galatians 3:28’ (SOLD)

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” No more profiling. No more separation. No more hate. There’s only room for love, empathy and respect. There’s only one race. The Human race.

Dilla Changed My Art, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Canvas, 36 x 36in.

‘Dilla Changed My Art’ (SOLD)

This Tribute painting honors the impact and influence of the late musical genius and legendary creator, James Yancey, largely known as J Dilla. All of the “Dilla Heads” know the significance of his sound and how it influenced the Neo Soul R&B and Post Golden Era Hip Hop Eras of music. Get a glimpse into the world as you get a dose of some of his soulful hip hop beats in latest piece.

King Me, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Wood, 40 x 40in.

‘King Me’ (SOLD)

The crown means nothing but the position is everything. Comparing yourself to others only does a disservice to your growth. Look in the mirror. Be honest with that person and challenge them. The rest is history. How are you challenging yourself?

Strength, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Wood Panel, 24 x 48in.

‘Strength’ (SOLD)

Growing up in North County St. Louis, MO was no easy task. One of the most important people in my life to help secure me and my future is none other than my Mother, Beverly. I witnessed her demonstrate an enormous amount of dedication, tenacity, resilience, and ‘Strength.’ The ups and downs she encountered seem to not bother her. Simply untroubled. I’m sure she encountered tough moments in solitude. But one thing is for sure. She always used her experiences in life to teach my sister and I about her strongest attribute. Faith. Thank you for teaching me how to be strong.

Queen, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Wood Panel. 36 x 48in.

‘Queen’ (SOLD)

SHE for the Culture. Showing Her Evolution is paramount in our growth as a culture and society. This growth brings us all together. Brings us understanding. Patience. Love. Unconditional love. Brings us clarity. Queens are needed. We will always need them.

GOAT, Mixed Media on Canvas, 44 x 65in.


Growing up in the 90’s, I remember sitting on the living room floor, rocking a pair of the Bordeaux Air Jordan 7’s with my eyes glued to the TV. Man… Just witnessing Michael Jordan play the game of basketball with the greatest of ease. With the beautiful execution and storytelling by ESPN and Netflix, “The Last Dance” documentary reminds s that greatness is closely partnered with consistency, dedication, determination, hard work, belief and grit. It’s only right I create this painting of the man who embodies the elements of a world champion.

HIM (Black Jesus), Leap Collection. Acrylic on Canvas, 48 x 60in.

‘HIM’ (Black Jesus) (SOLD)

I struggled with depression, anxiety, self doubt, failure, and simply losing everything I cared about due to my love and desire of being an artist. During this time, I began my transition to painting. I was very inconsistent with it because I questioned every move, color mixture, brush stroke and even concepts. Moreover, I questioned all of my life and career choices. For awhile, I considered leaving paint behind because it was a clear reflection of how much I didn’t know. But, little did I know, I really needed it. Fear and uncertainty are what I allowed to hold me back. All of that changed once I decided to be born again and follow in the footsteps of The Man who exhibited the lifestyle I wanted to have. Now, I listen to my inner spirit, I’m more thankful for everything happening in my life, and simply being more faith filled. ‘HIM’ is my vision of Jesus and how I see him in my dreams and in my everyday life. I hope this piece finds whoever needs an uplifting message to persevere. God bless

lil HAVANA, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Canvas, 30 x 36 in.

‘lil HAVANA’

Fighting for what want and what you deserve ain’t always pretty. As you pursue the things you want such as: love, citizenship, career goals, romantic relationships, financial freedom, mental and emotional health and so on, there is going to be conflict. Since life is the best teacher, it has become clear the “hard times” are simply there to prepare us. I used to believe these experiences were happening because it was clue to go the opposite direction And not to pursue. You might take some lumps or even lose a tooth. But you will respect yourself WAY MORE for trusting the process.

her HEIR, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Canvas, 36 x 36in.

‘her HEIR’

Inspired by my sister and all women of color. Growing up, we learned very early to embrace our kinky curls, brown skin and rich history. This, in turn, taught us all about self respect, self confidence and more importantly, self love.

reLIEF, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Canvas, 36 x 36in.


On September 1st, 2019, Hurricane Dorian destroyed most of the northwestern Bahamas. Days before the hurricane was announced and before all of the grocery stores were completely out of canned food and water bottles, I felt moved to create a painting specifically for aid. Following this intuition, I wanted to create an image of hope, resolve, calm, joy and Relief. When the storm clears, we must come together to pick up the pieces and clear the rubble. In turn, we create a new sense of purpose, humility, empathy, and service.

King James, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Canvas, 48 x 36in.

‘King James’ (SOLD)

The young kid from Akron, OH. The ‘King James.’ One of the best basketball players of our generation! Of our era! Watching his career and personal life, taught me a lot about hard work, perseverance, dedication and fatherhood. Witnessing a man of his caliber utilize his platform for justice, education, free speech and positivity, encouraged me to do the same. Thank you Lebron.

Essence, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Wood, 36 x 48in.

‘Essence’ (SOLD)

The very being. The very spirit. The very ‘Essence’ of a woman defines her prowess and elegance. For centuries, women have paved the way for all people to become more comfortable with their emotions, spirituality and acceptance of femininity, respectively. We are all created by women. Knowing this, we must learn from them, respect them. We must adapt their essence into our existence.

Dr. King, Leap Collection. Acrylic on Canvas, 24 x 36in.

‘Dr. King’ (SOLD)

‘An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.’ - Dr. King